

Hyperactivity and the Sugar Connection

It's that time of the year again.  Halloween is a handful of weeks away and the bags of candy about to be collected are top ...
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What a Pain In the…Ribs

Your ribcage is made up of 12 pairs of ribs, which form an arching curve or "cage" that wraps around and protects your heart and ...
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autonomic nervous system

Your Autonomic Nervous System Works in Automatic Mode

Our autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulates the functions of our vital internal organs, such as the heart, stomach, kidneys, and intestines. The ANS is part ...
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tech neck

What the Heck is Tech Neck?

A "real pain in the neck" is a commonly used idiom, but it takes on a whole new meaning when you, literally have a pain ...
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breast feeding

It’s Breastfeeding Awareness Month

August is National Breastfeeding Month, which is dedicated to advancing advocacy, protection, support, and promotion of breastfeeding for new moms and babies.  It aims to ...
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To the Rescue: Stress Management Tips for Moms

Being a mom is not an easy job.  Reveling in the joy of motherhood can be difficult when you are juggling your responsibilities as a ...
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Tailbone Misalignment: It’s A Thing

Tailbone pain, also known as coccydynia, is a pain in or around the bottom of your spine (coccyx). It can be caused by falling or ...
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round ligament

Growing Baby Bellies and Round Ligament Pain

Pregnancy comes with its fair share of aches and pains, including back pain, nausea, heartburn, and swollen ankles.  Another uncomfortable and sometimes debilitating condition that ...
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swimmer's ear

Keeping Swimmer’s Ear At Bay

Summertime offers many opportunities to take a break from the daily grind by spending family vacations near a lake, pool, or ocean. However, those relaxing ...
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growing pains

Growing Pains 411

Kids and adolescents physically develop at different paces.  While a well-researched and studied range of growth can be expected at specific age intervals, individual bodies ...
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