Pregnancy is an incredibly transformative experience, both physically and emotionally. As the mother-to-be’s body goes through changes to support a developing baby, one way to ease the uncomfortable sensations during all pregnancy stages is to focus on breathwork.
When most people think about pregnancy and breathwork, the quick inhale-exhale Lamaze technique used during labor is what commonly comes to mind. However, cyclical, interval, alternate nostril breathing, and focused deep breathing techniques are varied forms of breathwork that are safe and effective during all stages of pregnancy.
Benefits of Breathwork During Pregnancy
Dedicated breathwork can help women with their constantly changing pregnancy posture by engaging the diaphragm and abdominal muscles, reducing tension off the shoulders and upper back muscles. This can also reduce strain on the lower back and pelvis, which is important as the body takes on great change during the latter half of pregnancy.
Breathing exercises can also lower blood pressure, improve mood, and lessen nausea. Becoming conscious and aware of breathing through your nose rather than your mouth and slowing down your breathing rate activates the vagus nerve and engages your parasympathetic system, which in turn helps relax and calm the body.
In addition, over 50% of pregnant moms experience shortness of breath in the second and third trimesters. Having resources for slowing respiration and bringing shallow breathing back to a deeper state helps to ensure better oxygen flow (for mom and baby).
It is important to keep in mind some contraindications exist for individuals with high-risk pregnancies or any underlying heart or lung conditions, where breathwork might not be recommended. Please follow your doctor’s advice.
How Chiropractic Care Can Complement Breathwork
Chiropractic care during pregnancy complements breathwork. Receiving regular adjustments can help the nervous system function properly, and adjustments can remove any interference caused by misalignments. When the spine is properly aligned, nerve signals to the muscles, tissues, and organs can function more effectively, the lungs (and their function of breathing) being one of those. At Vaida, with our moms-to-be, we focus a lot of work on the middle back, as those nerves innervate the lungs. We also do myofascial work along the diaphragm. This ensures there is proper movement of the diaphragm and no restrictions pressing on it from a growing uterus.
Schedule a visit for chiropractic care at Vaida, and let Dr. Lydia and Dr. Rachael (who are also both certified in the Webster technique for pregnant mommas) work with you to keep your body, which is working so hard to grow a human, aligned for optimal posture, relaxation, and nervous system function.